3 thoughts on “May the Road Rise Up to Meet You – A Celtic Blessing

  1. Pingback: May the Road Rise Up to Meet You – A Celtic Blessing | Prayers for A Pilgrim Church | Persona

  2. Here is also a Romanian version of the blessing, sang by the choir of my church in Iasi, Romania.

    I add here, for Romanian readers, my translation of the words of this prayer, which I will publish as a separate post:

    Drumul lin să-ţi stea ‘nainte
    Barca pânzele să-şi umfle-n vânt
    Soarele să-ţi încălzească faţa
    Ploaia molcom cadă-ţi pe câmpii
    Şi pân’ ne-o revedea
    Domnul Dumnezeu
    Să te ţină-n palma sa.

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